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e-Course:  Rod Pumping Diagnosis & Optimization

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55-hour e-course, now available for purchase (9-months access):

Detailed Course Outline

Sales Brochure (with POP Quiz)

There are 9-hrs of free preview videos, which you can watch after signing up for free on the course website, so you can see the format/quality of the course before purchasing:

    Free preview of Sections:  1, 2, 3, 4.1, 5.1 & 5.2, 6.1, 8.1 & 14.3):  link

If you are interested in taking a class solely focused on FL Shots or solely focused on Dynamometer Tests, I cut those videos out of my larger masterclass to make shorter/cheaper courses, and you can find all the course options here and watch the preview for the courses here on YouTube:  eFluidLevel & eDynoCards

Details on Rod Pumping Diagnosis & Optimization Masterclass:

After 5+years of intensive work (building, recording and re-recording), my online course is now live and available for purchase!  The course is amazing (Dyno-Might!) and there is no course like it (it is the best course in the industry, guaranteed).  Look at the detailed course outline for the 14-sections showing every topic covered and the progression of topics through the class.  You can preview some sections for free on the link above, where you can sign up for the course (or search for "Downhole Diagnostic" on YouTube).

The course is a Master Class on designing, troubleshooting and optimizing rod pumping wells.  We go into depth on how to use the Echometer fluid level gun and dynamometer (our two diagnostic tools that let us see downhole), and in the process of understanding how to interpret data from these tools, I will teach you about everything that is going on downhole.  The course is broadly tailored for anyone (engineer, foreman, pumper, salesman) seeking to get a strong grasp of rod pumping systems and how to design, diagnose, & optimize them.


We also cover in great detail:  downhole gas and solids separation, different pump designs, POC’s & VSD’s, chemical treatment, specialty equipment used to extend run life, Echometer equipment and software, and there are lots of troubleshooting and optimization examples from real wells (with real data sets I have been collecting over the last decade). 


The course is all recorded and posted online:  you will have 9-months access to the material after purchase and you can take the sections in chronological order or skip around as desired.  The class is long, but every topic is important and I did not want to cut anything out (the material is engaging and entertaining so you will not lose interest).  Since it is online, you can take the class at your own pace and, depending on your job duties, you might not be interested in every topic so the class will be shorter than the full length (there are 8-hrs of review quizzes).  If you want a shorter, topic-specific course:  look at the other options here.

The course is well structured and designed for any level of knowledge:  I will start at the basics and build up to advanced levels on each topic.  I keep the writing on the slides to a minimum and I have tons of great pictures from the field and diagrams I constructed in power-point to illustrate the topics.  I went through three rounds of recordings (improving the material and my presentation of the topics each time), so the class is really top-notch now!


So if you are an engineer, a foreman, service company salesman or pumper and you want to take a huge leap forward in your understanding and operation of your Rod Pumping wells, I recommend you check out the free preview videos and see if the course looks interesting.  Bulk discounts are available to organizations that want to enroll many students, and if you live in a country with a weak currency verse the US dollar, let me know and I can help help you out with a discount.  Bitcoin is also accepted for payment (if you live abroad and cannot transmit funding any other way).

I hope to see you in class!


Shawn Dawsey, PE

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